Is your restaurant feeling a little, well, deserted?
6 Reasons Your Restaurant Needs a Loyalty Program
Mar 6, 2024 1:07:35 AM / by Kangaroo Rewards posted in Loyalty Tips, Customer lifetime value, customer experience, customer loyalty, Increase Sales
Effective Promotion Strategies Across Multiple Channels
Jul 18, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Kangaroo Rewards posted in Loyalty Tips, customer retention, customer acquisition, Increase CLV, customer experience, customer loyalty, loyalty rewards strategy, loyalty best practices, Launch a Loyalty Program, eCommerce loyalty, Increase Sales
A good loyalty program is an invaluable asset for any business seeking to engage, retain and foster long-term relationships with customers. But even the best-designed program of them all may not be impactful unless you promote it effectively and consistently across all channels available to you. In this article, we'll explore the best ways to promote your loyalty program, both online and offline, by email/SMS marketing and social media. Let's dive in!
Que recherchent les clients dans un programme de récompenses de qualité?
Aug 22, 2022 1:00:45 PM / by Kangaroo Rewards posted in Loyalty Tips, customer experience, loyalty rewards strategy, reward ideas
Comment améliorer la fidélité et la satisfaction des clients
Aug 22, 2022 11:29:44 AM / by Kangaroo Rewards posted in Loyalty Tips, Referrals, customer retention, rewards program, customer experience, referral marketing, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, loyalty program, point rewards, customer data, targeted offers
Améliorer la fidélisation des clients peut être un processus délicat, mais il existe de nombreuses stratégies marketing visant à accroître la fidélité des clients et assurer le succès de votre entreprise. Si vous souhaitez améliorer l’expérience globale des clients avec votre entreprise ou votre marque et faire en sorte qu’ils soient satisfaits de leurs achats, vous devez absolument envisager de mettre en place une plateforme marketing de fidélisation des clients si ce n’est déjà fait ! Vous pouvez faciliter les choses pour vos clients en utilisant un logiciel de gestion de la fidélisation des clients ou en créant une application de récompenses de fidélité pour les clients qui incite les acheteurs occasionnels à devenir des clients réguliers et les clients fidèles à rester engagés et interagir avec votre marque de manière continue.
Voici quelques idées supplémentaires sur les moyens d’augmenter la valeur vie de vos clients grâce à la fidélisation.
How to Improve Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction
Jun 22, 2022 2:04:13 PM / by Kangaroo Rewards posted in Loyalty Tips, Referrals, customer retention, rewards program, customer experience, referral marketing, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, loyalty program, point rewards, customer data, targeted offers
Improving customer loyalty can be a tricky process, but there are many strategies to increase customer loyalty and ensure the success of your business. If your company wants to enhance the customers’ overall experience with your business or brand and leave them satisfied with their purchases, you should definitely consider implementing a customer loyalty rewards program if you don’t have one yet! You can make things easier for your customers by utilizing customer loyalty management software or establishing a loyalty rewards app that provides an incentive for one-time shoppers to turn into repeat customers and loyal ones to engage and interact with your brand on a continuous basis. Here are a few more ideas on ways to increase your customers’ lifetime value through loyalty.
What Do Customers Want in a Great Loyalty Program?
Jun 7, 2022 12:19:17 PM / by Kangaroo Rewards posted in Loyalty Tips, customer experience, loyalty rewards strategy, reward ideas
Q&A with Kangaroo Rewards: 2022 Customer Loyalty Trends
Jun 7, 2022 10:57:40 AM / by Kangaroo Rewards posted in Loyalty Tips, customer retention, customer experience, customer loyalty, customer recognition, loyalty best practices, loyalty trends, Customer database
In today’s highly competitive business world, a loyalty program can be a crucial asset to a company’s success. Loyalty programs are now offered by most mainstream retailers, and with the rise of e-commerce, loyalty program adoption is expected to skyrocket in the next three years. According to The Neilson Company survey, 72% of consumers agree that all other factors being equal, they’ll buy from a retailer with a loyalty program over one without. In effect, any business that does not add loyalty to its spectrum of offerings will have lost to the competition.
Modern loyalty software is the most effective way to increase customer spending, drive traffic, and boost customer engagement. The collection of customer data and the ability to target and customize your rewards program based on any multitude of behaviors, whilst providing powerful incentives, motivates customers to spend more, more often.